North Norfolk Chess Club
Standard Play Rapid Play
Jan 2014 Aug 2013 Jan 2014 Aug 2013
Member ECF Ref Name Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Club
B14070 106967G Bond, Peter D D 165 D 164 North Norfolk
S05529 107150G Bradley, John N A 119 X 122 D 128 E 116 North Norfolk
B14108 260472D Burnham, Martin K A 109 B 118 * (6) 100 * 100 North Norfolk
B24426 292090G Carman, Bruce M D 97 D 109 * (1) 141 North Norfolk
B14104 108479D Clear, David E B 157 A 161 * (3) 154 * 154 North Norfolk
B22306 290356J Evans, Alex J A 102 A 92 * (2) 60 North Norfolk
JB22307 290357L Evans, Jack A X 106 B 108 D 104 * 82 North Norfolk
B14143 272948K Foster, Stephen B D 107 D 113 North Norfolk
B24431 269249B Gilling, Andrew R C 110 C 106 E 129 * 129 North Norfolk
S14116 111280G Gladwell, Les G A 136 A 136 North Norfolk
B18562 250078E Hackford, Edward B 123 A 121 North Norfolk
B14107 254572L Hodkinson, Peter M A 113 X 124 * (3) 110 * 110 North Norfolk
S14161 112886D Holmes, Alan L A 84 B 80 * (2) 51 * 115 North Norfolk
S14260 146432C Hughes, David B 113 B 116 D 101 D 101 North Norfolk
S14267 113822E Jones, Graham R A 117 A 110 E 110 * 115 North Norfolk
B18563 272946F Kemp, Geoff D 73 D 77 North Norfolk
JS24401 295104G Larner, Thomas O D 43 North Norfolk
B24383 295062F Larner, Tony R E 73 North Norfolk
B22839 143260G Lawes, Matthew * (4) 115 * 115 North Norfolk
B14112 179136K Moreton, Richard C C 101 C 101 * (3) 75 * 75 North Norfolk
B25984 296731F Page, Alan F Est. 90 Est. 90 North Norfolk
B14114 264924L Pearl, John RF X 66 A 52 * (3) 67 * 67 North Norfolk
B14109 269250J Sallon, Michael D B 93 A 92 * (7) 102 * 102 North Norfolk
JS24391 295118G Stoppani, William E 82 * (1) 45 North Norfolk
S18551 192612D Tupper, Alex D B 112 D 123 North Norfolk
G24436 288003K Van der Veen, Ailko A 139 A 137 D 114 D 110 North Norfolk
G14103 121366A Wells, Jonathan C X 174 X 180 D 188 * 195 North Norfolk
JS18169 287331L Wells, Moby D 62 E 52 C 74 D 66 North Norfolk
S02396 121598L Wickham, John R B 136 B 130 North Norfolk

Grades.Est. indicates an estimated grade has been provided for the player.The figure after a category of * is the number of games playedin the last 3 years. The grade given after a * category shouldnot be taken as an estimated grade without confirming it withthe event organiser.

Membership.A member number inredindicatesthe membership has expired, and onehighlightedshows it expires before the end of the grading year.Pointing to the member number will display the last month of membership.Information from membership list dated 1 September 2014.