Norwich Dons Chess Club
Standard Play Rapid Play
Jan 2014 Aug 2013 Jan 2014 Aug 2013
Member ECF Ref Name Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Club
S14217 105654C Allison, John C B 156 B 157 * (18) 149 D 150 Norwich Dons
B21421 245033B Antonov, Yosif A D 137 D 134 Norwich Dons
B26075 296325F Blamey, Laurence Est. 105 Est. 105 Norwich Dons
S14016 185504K Burrows, Jonathan A 172 A 167 B 175 A 175 Norwich Dons
B14032 109039C Crane, Stephen F A 98 A 104 Norwich Dons
S14150 109469F Dawson, Jeff R A 165 X 170 E 161 * 173 Norwich Dons
S23796 293995C Dempster, Dave A 172 E 177 Norwich Dons
S24545 109769G Dolamore, John E E 135 * 138 Norwich Dons
B14152 254569L Glover, Terry P D 155 C 155 * (6) 180 * 182 Norwich Dons
S14012 111906A Hall, David E A 181 A 166 C 174 C 172 Norwich Dons
S14274 287369C Hudson, John C A 114 A 102 * (6) 83 * 83 Norwich Dons
S14260 146432C Hughes, David B 113 B 116 D 101 D 101 Norwich Dons
S14229 113186C Hughes, Mervyn J A 172 X 164 C 162 D 158 Norwich Dons
B14031 113678B Johnson, David W C 50 C 52 Norwich Dons
S14267 113822E Jones, Graham R A 117 A 110 E 110 * 115 Norwich Dons
B14030 191843G Lenton, Tim D D 162 C 164 Norwich Dons
S14013 115198J McAvoy, Jim A 148 X 155 D 147 D 146 Norwich Dons
S14266 273650A Moore, Geoffrey R C 178 B 176 * (6) 175 * 175 Norwich Dons
S14181 115736L Moore, Steve N A 157 X 155 C 155 B 149 Norwich Dons
S14015 252538A Pandian, Andrew S A 125 A 129 E 131 * 122 Norwich Dons
G14151 148487E Payne, Colin R X 150 X 155 A 136 B 139 Norwich Dons
294514K Syer, Nigel * (4) 56 * 56 Norwich Dons
S14011 160524A Tebble, Gregory H A 132 X 134 * (9) 145 * 145 Norwich Dons
B14182 120277H Thomas, Norman G A 104 B 105 Norwich Dons
S14014 120639E Tuffin, Chris J A 146 A 144 * (2) 170 Norwich Dons
B14084 127092J Woolnough, Martin D A 166 A 173 E 164 E 164 Norwich Dons

Grades.Est. indicates an estimated grade has been provided for the player.The figure after a category of * is the number of games playedin the last 3 years. The grade given after a * category shouldnot be taken as an estimated grade without confirming it withthe event organiser.

Membership.A member number inredindicatesthe membership has expired, and onehighlightedshows it expires before the end of the grading year.Pointing to the member number will display the last month of membership.Information from membership list dated 1 September 2014.