Bury Knights Chess Club
Standard Play Rapid Play
Member ECF Ref Name Jan 22 Aug 21 Jan 22 Aug 21
JS032255 346789C Anterson, Adit
347123J Bagutiu, Justin 850*
347122G Bagutiu, Rebeca 800*
282767A Cannard, Joseph
314086G Dedigama, Indula H
321402D Flack, Espen
JB032022 346334F Golan, Kacper 750*
JS025068 323433C Goodger, Samuel
JS016349 315366G Gu, William 1632D 1623D 1645D 1645B
JS032007 346335H Horn, Lenny
347126D Ionescu, Eliza 850*
347120C Ionescu, Victor 700*
JS006532 308298C Kim, Isaac 1135D 1135A
329244H Lakshya, Renchu 708F
301072H Loyid, Joel
JS032287 346788A Penhaligan, Joseph
318119E Quader, Rafael 955D 955D
318120A Quader, Raifah 708D
343560L Roman, Carlos 500* 500*
JS015525 297303A Roy, Tom 1557D 1540D 1495D
293127J Saenz de Villaverde, Aaron
347127F Spall, Alexander 800*
JS032208 346620G Starodubcevs-Snaiders, Nickolay
JS032207 346619L Starodubcevs-Snaiders, Vicktor
309747L Taylor, Kirsten
JS026202 340661B Worby, Alfie

Ratings. * after a rating indicates an estimated rating has been provided for the player.

Membership. A member number in red indicates the membership has expired, and one highlighted shows it expires before the end of the rating year. Pointing to the member number will display the last month of membership. Information from membership list dated 30 June 2022.

Include inactive players