Woodbridge Chess Club
Standard Play Rapid Play
Member ECF Ref Name Jan 22 Aug 21 Jan 22 Aug 21
JS030030 324199D Blyth, James
344561G Cater, Sam
JS023345 329363E Ciuksys, Daniel 1015F
JS031577 345752H Douse, Dominic 1350*
S030068 291521C Elman, Harry 1200* 1359F
G014150 252177F Gaffney, Samuel 1826A 1780A 1550D 1585D
G012204 111141D Gemmell, Peter A 2060C 2035C 2202D 2208E
318565F Gifford, Blake
S012519 275078J Hopkins, Phil 2050C 2035C 2207D 2208D
B024162 329300C Johnson, Dave 1668E 1668E
B006120 298612H May, Henry 1299D 1293E
116949L Pepper, Michael 1375D
S002184 263886B Ross, Bernard 1242D 1203D 1491E
S017895 318749E Skirrow, Chris 1706D 1683D
S022377 263821G Such, Daniel 1510D 1473D 1435F 1435F
S015706 312616L Wesson, Timothy J 1778B 1795B 1638F

Ratings. * after a rating indicates an estimated rating has been provided for the player.

Membership. A member number in red indicates the membership has expired, and one highlighted shows it expires before the end of the rating year. Pointing to the member number will display the last month of membership. Information from membership list dated 30 June 2022.

Include inactive players