ECF Membership Information

Games played in Broadland. Junior Team Rapidplay

The membership list used was dated 30 June 2022. Individuals joining prior to 30th June in a season will have their entitlement to free rating of club, league and county results (i.e. no Game Fee liability) extended retroactively to the preceding 1st September. The following list assumes people joined before the end of June.

Standard Rapidplay Blitz
Bronze Members
345451E B031183 Yallop, Brandon 0 3 0
Total Games 0 3 0
Silver Members
345750D JS031589 Banford, Nehir (Junior) 0 2 0
329808F JS023417 Folland, Ori (Junior) 0 2 0
327911L JS022389 Harman, William (Junior) 0 2 0
343502H JS029598 Knott, Damian (Junior) 0 3 0
Total Games 0 9 0

If a player's membership expired before games were played they will be listed as a non-member for these games. If the member number is shown in red then they are not currently a member. If the member number is highlighted then their membership will expire before the end of the rating year. Putting your cursor over the member number will show the expiry date.