Players with surnames T-Z
Standard Play Rapid Play
Jan 2014 Aug 2013 Jan 2014 Aug 2013
Member ECF Ref Name Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Club
B24981 120141E Taylor, Michael E 160 * 163 * 117 Bury St Edmunds
G18786 120183K Taylor, Scott A 131 A 147 D 121 D 126 Bury St Edmunds
289666H Thompson, Sharn E 88 D 92 * (7) 91 * 91 Cambridge City
262736L Tjurina, Jelena * (11) 158 E 158 E 129 E 129 Cambridge City
S18240 120562G Tozer, Richard JD B 208 A 215 * (12) 230 E 230 Cambridge City
S21476 285362A Tun, Lionel C 110 B 103 * (4) 116 Linton
120655C Tuplin, Mike J Est. 135 Est. 135 Ely
G06954 275540D Ukken, Somton B 172 C 176 D 176 D 168 Bury St Edmunds
JS26336 291497K Vadakelan, Abel B 51 D 53 Bury Knights
S17606 268092A Vane, Zac P B 109 A 108 D 105 D 105 Bury St Edmunds
G01825 163068E Varnam, Liam D A 197 X 196 C 192 B 195 Linton
JS24317 293599F Volovich, Julia D 65 * 55 Cambridge City
B24886 295203J Von Siebenthal, Jude Est. 140 Est. 140 Bury St Edmunds
JS26311 278828H Wallace, Clement E 104 E 101 Bury Knights
JS26312 297237C Wallace, Luc Est. 25 Est. 30 Bury Knights
G04419 121038F Wallis, Ian J A 171 X 178 * (6) 208 E 183 Bury St Edmunds
297758J Watson, Iain Est. 120 Bury Knights, Cambridge City
297734F Whiten, Daniel Est. 130 Cambridge City
287746G Wilson, Adam E 96 E 98 Est. 100 Est. 100 Stowmarket
S18145 290797F Wood, David C A 21 A 19 A 38 X 34 Bury St Edmunds
S25414 294456L Wootley, Derek D 66 Est. 60 Est. 60 Bury St Edmunds
JS20575 283340C Xu, James A 163 B 157 B 142 B 140 Cambridge City, Linton
B18905 290321A Yarnton, Daniel D 90 E 82 Stowmarket
B17366 281071C Yates, Simon C 90 C 87 * (5) 55 * 55 Linton
JS22574 293140A Young, Bethany D 42 * 52 D 37 E 60 Bury Knights, Stowmarket
S18414 254551C Young, Gareth B 93 D 100 Stowmarket

Grades.Est. indicates an estimated grade has been provided for the player.The figure after a category of * is the number of games playedin the last 3 years. The grade given after a * category shouldnot be taken as an estimated grade without confirming it withthe event organiser.

Membership.A member number inredindicatesthe membership has expired, and onehighlightedshows it expires before the end of the grading year.Pointing to the member number will display the last month of membership.Information from membership list dated 1 September 2014.