Norfolk & Norwich Chess Club
Standard Play Rapid Play
Jan 2014 Aug 2013 Jan 2014 Aug 2013
Member ECF Ref Name Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Club
B19136 243413B Alston, Samuel * (3) 42 * 42 Norfolk & Norwich
B14006 269246G Amarawickrama, Himan Uddama D 181 D 188 Norfolk & Norwich
B24970 258898F Barnes, Ryan PI E 111 * 94 * (2) 72 Norfolk & Norwich
S14047 240190D Barr, Gabriel J E 176 C 176 * (16) 173 E 177 Norfolk & Norwich
S14263 160015B Bartram, Philip J B 147 B 157 E 154 * 149 Norfolk & Norwich
JB14262 283496A Bartram, Thomas E 104 E 105 D 106 D 101 Norfolk & Norwich
B14056 160008E Bell, Adrian D D 127 C 128 * (2) 110 * 110 Norfolk & Norwich
JG17140 279500A Bin-Suhayl, Yousuf A 175 A 172 A 167 X 159 Norfolk & Norwich
B14026 240436K Boulton, John A * (6) 87 * 87 * (6) 70 * 70 Norfolk & Norwich
B14001 240223D Boulton, William JK C 169 D 173 * (12) 184 E 184 Norfolk & Norwich
S18573 290360L Briggs, Thomas W E 82 E 82 Norfolk & Norwich
B22040 292095F Buckle, Steve E 68 E 71 Norfolk & Norwich
JS14264 269997H Chan, Karina C 130 A 133 C 123 B 121 Norfolk & Norwich
JS18575 278829K Chan, Ryan C 106 B 111 C 103 B 101 Norfolk & Norwich
B14281 288300E Chan, Yi * (6) 90 * 90 * (7) 92 * 92 Norfolk & Norwich
S14010 108660B Collinson, Benjamin PQ B 178 A 177 E 186 E 180 Norfolk & Norwich
S14249 111462B Gough, Michael J E 215 E 216 * (6) 220 * 220 Norfolk & Norwich
190238G Harris, Joe * (5) 119 * 115 Norfolk & Norwich
JS14025 268116L Jackson, Daniel M C 124 B 124 D 134 C 133 Norfolk & Norwich
JB22726 292926A Jervis, Daniel H * (2) 30 * 43 Norfolk & Norwich
JB14269 275806E May, Jordan E 66 D 68 * (31) 83 * 83 Norfolk & Norwich
B14055 146854G McCormick, Maurice J D 122 C 122 Norfolk & Norwich
B14054 115708F Moore, David W C 114 C 115 Norfolk & Norwich
P01053 116510A Orton, Stephen LA B 188 B 198 D 195 * 203 Norfolk & Norwich
S23767 293979E Poll, Lawrence * (7) 127 * 118 Norfolk & Norwich
JB14280 284258A Rowe, Joshua D 93 C 94 * (21) 98 * 95 Norfolk & Norwich
G14160 253447C Scott, Gordon W A 191 B 200 D 187 E 182 Norfolk & Norwich
B14145 268730G Walker, Jack D 106 D 110 * (6) 96 * 95 Norfolk & Norwich
JB18572 282778F Wasse, Anna D 97 E 96 E 74 * 60 Norfolk & Norwich

Grades.Est. indicates an estimated grade has been provided for the player.The figure after a category of * is the number of games playedin the last 3 years. The grade given after a * category shouldnot be taken as an estimated grade without confirming it withthe event organiser.

Membership.A member number inredindicatesthe membership has expired, and onehighlightedshows it expires before the end of the grading year.Pointing to the member number will display the last month of membership.Information from membership list dated 1 September 2014.