Robinson College CU
Standard Play Rapid Play
Jan 2012 Aug 2011 Jan 2012 Aug 2011
ECF Ref Name Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade
289091E Akano, Ade *(0) 100
251568E Chapman, David
230419D Hallen, Peter I D 117 D 120 * (6) 128 * 114
257809J Judge, Christopher * (1) 68 * 75 * (3) 66 * 66
252627L Lambert, Oliver * (2) 84 * (2) 97 * 97
289092G Milne, Antony *(0) 100
289093J Newton, Peter J *(0) 100
281652A Nirangan, Arun
283121B Steiner, Matthias D 156 D 154 E 153 * 146
274928C Taylor, Simon J * (5) 120 * 132 * (3) 133 * 133
281657L Tomlinson, Nicholas * (3) 71 * 70 * (1) 45 * 45

The figure after a category of * is the numberof games played in the last 3 years.