Clare College CU
Standard Play Rapid Play
Jan 2012 Aug 2011 Jan 2012 Aug 2011
ECF Ref Name Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade
249935G Caldwell, Nicholas J D 144 D 140
186899J Kneebone, Jeremy PG E 174 E 176 * (4) 175 * 164
200345E Kumar, Vedantha C 172 C 173 C 168 B 171
290798H McKenzie, Zach *(0) 75
285798E Mortimer, Ned * (4) 45 * 45
242795D Williams, Jack 32
260246F Xu, Yichuan James * (7) 124 * 124

The figure after a category of * is the numberof games played in the last 3 years.