Queens College CU
Standard Play Rapid Play
Jan 2012 Aug 2011 Jan 2012 Aug 2011
ECF Ref Name Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade
251857A Bleakley, Alex
200917B Davan-Wetton, Alex * (4) 111 * 111
290800B Davies, Simon R *(0) 50
233642L Hajnal-Corob, Sasha H 34
271559E Holc, C
285800K Newman, Zac * (2) 98 * 98
245167A Phillips, David H D 134 E 134 * (4) 150 * 150
241194F Renner, Tom E 89 E 90
287759E Saperstein, Craig M *(0) 164

The figure after a category of * is the numberof games played in the last 3 years.